Saturday, February 23, 2013

Mioliva Fresh Cracked Aloreña Olives in Garlic & Herbs (7 oz/200 g drained wt)

Mioliva Fresh Cracked Aloreña Olives in Garlic & Herbs (7 oz/200 g drained wt)

Perishable item - Requires expedited shipping
Fresh, unpasteurized
Seasoned with herb, bay leaf & garlic
Aloreña olives
7 oz/200 g drained wt

One of our favorite activities in Spain is to visit the local market, a lively place where you can find the freshest food anywhere. We remember a visit when we saw a woman carefully crack freshly harvested olives with a mallet, then toss them in a brine with herbs and fresh garlic.

For years we have searched for an olive that tasted this fresh, this full of flavor. First we found a supplier with a mild Verdial version that has become a customer favorite. Now we offer an unpasteurized, fresh version that comes closest to that full flavored freshly-cracked taste.

The difference is in the olive and the freshness. Aloreña olives have a meaty texture and full flavor that is only enhanced by the garlic and herbs. Once the olives are marinated, the normal next step is to pasteurize them to give them a longer shelf life.

The problem is that heat is involved, which can sap the taste out of the olive and make it softer. These olives have never been pasteurized so that fresh, dynamic flavor and firm texture is there to be enjoyed. Just like the olives we enjoyed on that trip to Spain!

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